Wednesday, May 7, 2014



Three concerns about keeping hedgehogs as pets
  1. Welfare of pet hedgehogs
While care for these animals is not easy, they are in many ways easier to care for than a dog or a cat. The lack of research done on this particular animal makes hard facts difficult to find. However, a breeder can ensure that the person to whom they are selling the animal is aware of their specific requirements. When an owner knows what is required and what to expect, they can provide the animal with a high quality life.
  1. Hedgehogs harming the environment.
These animals could very well pose a threat if enough of them were released in certain states. Though the threat to livestock is not great since importation of hedgehogs is already illegal, they could still survive very well in states like California, and should remain illegal in this state. If someone living in one of these states did want to own one, a permit should be available, but should not be easy to obtain. This would allow the animals to be kept track of while still discouraging owners who will not responsibly care for these pets.

  1. Owners of hedgehogs being harmed.
While humans may be harmed from handling hedgehogs, the amount of harm is minimal when they treated correctly. Any pet poses some risk, and hedgehogs are actually less likely to bite than more common companion animals. Before purchasing this animal, one should hold them bare handed and check for an allergic reaction in the next few hours. Also, when selling the animal, the breeder should show the new owner proper handling techniques in order to minimize incidents of injury.


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